Fresh Roses & Carnations
Fresh roses are an elegant classic way to say "I love you" to someone special in your life. Wrapped or arranged, these lovely blossoms are sure to please. If you haven't heard us mention before, all fresh flowers should be re-cut and have their water changed every few days. If received wrapped they must be re-cut right before going into the water. It only takes a few seconds out of water before the stems begin closing up to preserve their moisture. So the short trip to their destination is just long enough for them to have started closing up, always requiring re-cutting. Re-cutting keeps the "water pipes" open so the stems can continue to taking up clean water. Roses are especially sensitive. If you follow these instructions, you are going to call me and say you can't believe you didn't know this before now, my flowers have lasted sooo long! P.S. please use a knife or pruning shears to cut roses not scissors, as scissors tend to smash the stem when cutting, damaging the cells responsible for taking up water instead of making a clean slice.